Assalamualaikum . tak jawab dosa , kalau jawab saaayang xD
I never never never ever thought that life as a student is sooooo complicated! kenapa ckp macam ni ?
okay , sebab hari ni dapat banyak gila kerja .
with all the folios , homeworks , oral test . Lekk , ni baru sikit . K , ni semua bagi aku pressure!
Right now , I just need a shoulder to cry on . I need someone to listen! just listen.
Tapi , sorang pun takde . All I can do is cry cry cry and cry like a baby all by myself.
But it's okay , it's alright . I can face this . Insyaallah :)
time main kami main , time belajar kami belajar .
hahah , bajet ? k tau :p
eh menyampah ah tengok post pendek pendek,
keep in touch!