Assalamualaikum, tak jawab dosa. Kalau jawab, saaaayaaang! Mweheheh! So, as you guys know. 2011 is coming to an end already. Time flies really fast. Serious! Aku rasa aku tak buat something productive pun cuti ni. Online je. Log in facebook, tweeting, go on tumblr, watch movies. And sometimes blogging. Oh! Makan juga setiap masa. Sumpah malu nak pergi sekolah next year. Sebab iGemuk oredi :/
Ni muka gedik, muka annoying, muka boring duduk rumah, muka tension. Hahaha tapi muka semua asal happy? Well, I'm good at pretending (Y)
2011 was kinda hard. So many things happened. Had a little fight with bestfriends, being hurt, met someone. But it was fun though. I've learned something new. Next year my turn pulak amik PMR. Weh what is PMR? Penting ke? Ok penting! I really have to study hard next year. Kawan yang lain semua study, tusyen time cuti. But me? duduk rumah without doing something beneficial. Apa nak jadi.
Dear 2012, please be awesome, be faboulous, no more pain/tears, and please be better than this year. Hahahaha I wish!